womans hand holding excessive belly fat

How to Remove Body Fat Non-Invasively

When you think of removing body fat, the first procedure that likely comes to mind is liposuction. While this procedure is effective, it can sometimes result in discomfort and bruising, and potential scarring from where the cannula is inserted under the skin. Liposuction also typically requires at least a week of downtime, giving the body the time it needs to heal, as well as for swelling and bruising to go down.

Yet traditional liposuction isn’t the only way to remove body fat. In the last few years, the FDA has approved non-invasive fat reduction procedures that are just as effective as liposuction. If you’re looking to achieve a more contoured body without the discomfort and downtime associated with liposuction, you’ll want to learn more about laser fat reduction.

How Non-Invasive Laser Fat Removal Works

Non-surgical fat reduction is a cosmetic procedure that’s growing in popularity. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 150,000 each year undergo the procedure.

Sometimes referred to as “non-invasive lipo”, laser fat removal isn’t liposuction at all. Traditional liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves small incisions and small tubes (cannulas). Body fat is sucked out through the tube and is permanently removed.

On the other hand, non-surgical fat removal can involve the use of heat, cooling, sound waves, and lasers. However, with non-invasive procedures, the fat cells aren’t removed; instead, they’re destroyed.

Benefits of Laser Fat Reduction

Non-invasive fat removal procedures such as Sculpsure offer a wide range of benefits. First, non-invasive procedures don’t require much, if any, downtime. This means that you can go to the doctor in the afternoon and be back to work the next morning.

Another benefit is that there’s minimal pain associated with this procedure. Because laser fat reduction is non-invasive, it further reduces the chances of swelling, bruising, or potential scarring associated with traditional surgical procedures.

While laser fat reduction has its perks, be aware that this procedure offers the best results when used on small areas of the body. Unlike traditional liposuction, non-invasive lipo should be limited to small areas of fatty deposits that still exist after successful attempts at diet and exercise.

To achieve optimal results, patients may need to undergo several treatments.

female waistline about to perform liposuction

Professional Non-Invasive Body Fat Removal

If you’re looking to improve your body’s contour, or if you want to get rid of stubborn pockets of body fat, laser fat reduction may be the ideal procedure for you. Before undergoing the procedure, you want to ensure that you’ve consulted with a team of experienced professionals who can determine whether or not non-invasive lipo will provide the results you’re looking for.

Our team at Grossman Medical uses Sculpsure, an FDA approved treatment that is designed to reduce fat in the flanks, abdomen, back, and thighs. Start your journey to your ideal body today. Call our team at (818) 981-2050 to schedule your consultation.

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