Breast Augmentation Los Angeles: Professional Women Want It

Breast Augmentation Los Angeles: Professional Women Want It

If you are a career woman, then you know image is everything. According to a 201-survey conducted by ‘Healthline’, the top motivations that caused women to seek breast augmentation procedures was to improve their self-esteem and self-image. Not only is having natural, perfectly symmetrical breasts necessary for confidence in the bedroom, and for taking those tropical vacations while showing off a new bikini, but one’s perception of their own self-image plays directly into their professional identity, and it goes without saying that other industry professionals will notice one’s bodily aesthetics. Today, there are several reasons why career women seek the best breast augmentation Los Angeles surgeons to help them get the body of their dreams, and this article will go over the top reasons.

Breast Augmentation Surgery Has Proven to Be Advantageous for Career Women

It’s not a nice thing to imagine, but the cold truth is that people are judged by their appearance, especially when it comes to work. If you work in face-to-face sales, or you deal with the public, many people will create first impressions based on the individual’s appearance. While this isn’t fair, and it’s morally wrong, the stigma remains. In fact, studies show that women who had a corrective plastic surgery to gain an all-natural look reported having greater success in business. If one breast is larger than the other, or disproportionate, or if their breasts are sagging, breast augmentation surgery can give someone a younger, healthier look that will resonate throughout her professional life.

Breast Augmentation Enables Clothes to Fit Better

Many women who consider going down a size or two wonder about the benefits of getting breast reduction surgery as part of their augmentation approach. If you have a slender waist with large breasts, then you know all too well how problematic it can be to find clothes that properly fit. In some cases, you may have to take garments to a tailor, which can rack up thousands of dollars each year. Then there is the frustration of not being able to find the right outfit for that special occasion. Some women turn to breast augmentation surgery with a reduction so they can have a much easier time finding clothing that fits and feel better about themselves.

Male doctor hand in blue protective gloves hold new fashion silicone breast implant closeup.

Breast Augmentation with a Reduction can Eliminate Ongoing Pain

If you have large breasts, you may be suffering from ongoing back, neck, or shoulder pain. Whether you spend a lot of time on your feet with clients, or you sit at a desk for most of your day, a heavy chest can interact with various nerves that create a great deal of pain. When you book a consultation with Dr. Peter Grossman, he will review your medical history, and if breast augmentation surgery with a reduction is recommended, he will explain the approach and go over the life-changing benefits.

Going Down a Few Sizes in a Breast Augmentation can Improve Your Mobility

Whether you want greater mobility to play with your kids, or exercise in the gym, going down a few sizes (if you have large breasts) in a breast augmentation surgery can open a whole new world of possibilities. If being fit is an advantage in your career, having smaller breasts that better fit your frame and can enable you to participate in more exercises. A breast reduction and repositioning can also better enable you to participate in company activities at conferences and team-building exercises.

Call Grossman Medical for a Breast Augmentation Consultation Today

If you are a career woman curious about the benefits of breast augmentation, you are not alone. Dr. Peter Grossman is a leading breast surgeon in the country who has helped thousands of career women improve their self-esteem, overall medical health, and even their journey in their career by helping them achieve breasts that better suit their body frame in a natural manner. Book a consultation today and discover what it takes to create a new and exciting chapter in your life full of reward and joy.

Breast Reduction Surgery: 4 Tips for A Graceful Recovery

Breast Reduction Surgery: 4 Tips for A Graceful Recovery

Over the last several years, breast reduction surgery has become a very popular option for women who are looking to improve their looks and feel better overall. When Ariel Winter, the 17-year-old star of the hit TV show ‘Modern Family’ had breast reduction surgery so she could look better, and feel better, when walking the red carpet at the Emmy Awards, it became clear to thousands of women that breast reduction surgery is an ideal way for many women to achieve their health and beauty goals.

Even though the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery says that breast reduction surgery has one of the highest patient satisfaction rates, and that the procedure’s popularity increased by 183% since 1997, some women put off getting a consultation because they fear the breast reduction surgery recovery time. With most women already having experienced tenderness in their breasts, and because the breasts are such a focal point of the body, many women simply fear they will have a terrible recovery time. When you book a consultation with Dr. Peter Grossman, he will go over the breast reduction surgery recovery time with you, and put your mind at ease.

In the meantime, here are four tips to ensure you have a very easy, graceful recovery time after your breast reduction procedure.

1. Reduce Your Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery Time by Following the Doctor’s Discharge Instructions

No two patients will receive the exact same discharge instructions. First, you are unique; your existing health, aesthetic goals, lifestyle, and body together create a profile that’s entirely your own. That said, your discharge instructions after breast reduction surgery will be predicated on those factors. Despite this, there are some instructions that most patients will receive. For example, you will want to avoid lifting anything for the first few weeks after surgery. You will also likely be instructed to wear a surgical bra, compression garment, and even wrap your breasts in gauze. Your breast reduction surgery recovery will be easier if you take your pain medicine as directed, stay in a rested position like the sofa or bed for the first week or two, and have someone on hand that can help you with basic tasks such as cooking your meals, cleaning the home, and you may even need someone to help you get around for the first few days. You will also want to keep the surgical area out of direct sunlight and keep all follow-up appointments to ensure you are healing properly.

2. Take Pain Medication Responsibly

You will likely be prescribed some medication for pain management. Make sure you take your medication as prescribed. Do not exceed your doctor’s recommended dosage; if you are following the prescription’s instructions and are still experiencing pain, call your surgeon without delay. Avoid taking pain medication to help you fall asleep, as this medication is prescribed to help you manage your pain, and it is not meant to promote sleep. If you are having trouble sleeping, call your doctor and he will potentially prescribe something for sleep, and it will be safe to take with your pain medication (if prescribed at all). Finally, do not store your medication to take at another time; take the pills as needed so that you can better manage your pain.

3. Don’t Exercise After Breast Reduction Surgery (Here’s Why)

Exercising releases endorphins that make us happy, and if fitness is a big part of your lifestyle, you may be tempted to exercise after your surgery. However, straining, lifting, and exercising too early after getting breast reduction surgery can have a devastating impact on your recovery. Some common complications that may arise from exercising too soon after breast reduction surgery includes the following:

  • Reopening the incisions
  • Pulling out sutures
  • Severe or prolonged pain
  • Delayed healing
  • Need for a revision procedure
  • Implant rupture
  • Implant shifting or displacement
  • Infection

After your breast reduction surgery, your main focus needs to be on resting, recovering, and healing. This means you need to follow your doctor’s orders, and if he tells you to avoid exercise, it is for a very good reason.

4. Don’t Rush Your Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

Woman holding silicone implants for breast augmentation

After the first month has passed since you had your breast reduction surgery, you will likely be feeling pretty good. You may be tempted to resume your normal life, but under no circumstance should you alter your activity during recovery without first consulting with your doctor. After the first month, your breasts may look healed and soft. However, looks can be deceiving, especially if you don’t know what to look for. You may still be experiencing some swelling (this can last for some time). Be sure to move at the recommended opaque your surgeon sets, and don’t rush anything, even if you feel good.

Call Grossman Medical for a Breast Reduction Consultation Today

Imagine what life would be like if you had natural, perfectly sized breasts that fit your body size and frame, or imagine life without back, shoulder or neck pain; now is the time to book a breast reduction surgery consultation with Dr. Grossman. When you have your consultation, Dr. Grossman will carefully listen to your goals and wishes and present you with the ideal breast reduction surgery procedure along with an outline of what your new body will look like, and all the health benefits that will result. Call today and begin that new chapter in your life that leads to a brighter future.

6 Reasons for Getting Breast Reduction Surgery

6 Reasons for Getting Breast Reduction Surgery

When it comes to cosmetic breast procedures, augmentation is the number one sought-after procedure in the US by women who seek to increase the shape of their breasts and improve the shape and symmetry. However, one of the best investment’s a woman with larger-sized breasts can make that can improve her quality of life in multiple areas is to book breast reduction surgery from the best plastic surgeon in Los Angeles in order to improve her lifestyle and overall health. 

breast reduction surgery










Having large breasts can cause a plethora of challenges. In many cases, large breasts create cosmetic issues, and for other women they can lead to physical problems. In several cases, women with D cups or larger will face both problems. When you book a breast reduction consultation at Grossman Medical, the physician will be able to give you an examination, listen to your goals and problems, and recommend the best possible course of action to take your breasts down to a size that will be beneficial for your physical and mental health, and that will look physically beautiful while matching your body’s frame.

If you are considering breast reduction surgery, your first move should be to book a consultation so you can make an educated decision, with your doctor, that makes sense based on your needs. In the meantime, here are the top six reasons why women seek breast reduction surgery.

1. Breast Reduction Surgery Can Offer Better Mobility

As most active women with large breasts know, having “busty proportions” can pose several mobility challenges. For starters, running and jogging can be extremely uncomfortable for large-breasted women. In fact, researchers in the fitness space discovered that women with large breasts are less likely to participate in physical activity such as bootcamps, group classes at the local gym, or jogging by more than 80%, and they are even less likely to get a gym membership. Even a sports bra that offers a great degree of support can’t fully stop the “flopping” that occurs when performing repetitive movements or when running, this can cause severe discomfort for the chest and back. By having breast reduction surgery, women can have better mobility and conduct a full, active life.

2. You Experience Less Body Pain After Breast Reduction Surgery

As mentioned, having larger breasts can cause the back and other parts of the body to hurt. It goes without saying that back, neck and shoulder pain can result due to multiple reasons, but large, heavy breasts cause women a great degree of discomfort since their center of gravity places tension on multiple muscle groups. When women with painful symptoms caused by a heavy bosom get breast reduction surgery, many see their pain levels significantly decrease, if not vanish completely. 

3. Breast Reduction Surgery Can Give Women Better Proportion

Many women have beauty goals to look more proportioned and balanced, and having large breasts can get in the way of this goal. The best breast augmentation surgeons, like Dr. Peter Grossman, will sometimes perform breast reduction surgery as a way to help women achieve a perfectly balanced and proportioned pair of breasts. 

4. After Breast Reduction Surgery, You Will Have More Clothing Options

If you have large breasts, you are likely all too familiar with the challenges in finding clothing that fits properly. It is common for large-breasted women to try on tops that create gaps between the buttons, trying dresses and fit perfectly at the hips, waist, and abdomen, but that are too tight in the chest. Then trying to find a bathing suit that fits and that offers the right support can be next to impossible unless you have swimwear custom made. Women in this circumstance have very limited wardrobe options, so they seek break reduction surgery to make life easier. 

5. Women Seek Breast Reduction Surgery to Improve their Self Image

While having large breasts may be an attribute that many others find appealing, so many women have self-esteem problems that are heightened by their large breasts. In some cases, women feel that their looks get in the way of people taking them seriously, or they may feel like having large breasts takes focus away from their character’s best attributes. Then there are women who simply feel their body’s proportions are off, and their large breasts make them look “cartoonish”, or they feel they don’t have a look that will enable them to measure up to the same class their colleagues are in, in which they are taken seriously for their work performance. Breast reduction surgery can help women feel more confident, and even improve overall psychological health in some patients.

breast reduction surgery to improve self image

6. Some Women Get Breast Reduction Surgery to Improve their Career

Unfortunately, women with large breasts are often judges, and this judgmental attitude extends to the boardroom and with clients. Unfortunately, many men who see women with large breasts view them as having that “porn star” look, and as a result brilliant and qualified women are overlooked for career advancements, promotions, and other benefits that can help them further their careers. As a result, many high-powered women, and those eager to advance their careers will get breast reduction surgery to have a natural, beautiful look in a body that won’t consume the spotlight when it comes to looking at stand-out features that make one attractive from a professional standpoint within the workplace.

Book a Breast Reduction Procedure Consultation with Dr. Grossman Today!

There is no need to move through life in a state of awkwardness while dealing with stares, physical pain, lifestyle limitations, and other life obstacles that are completely unnecessary. You may be an ideal candidate for breast reduction surgery with the goal to improve your life and health. Call now for a consultation, and begin the next chapter in your amazing life that begins with the new, more authentic version of your true self.

5 Things Every Woman Should Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

5 Things Every Woman Should Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

Women who have plastic surgery do so because they want to look and feel better; they want to feel more confident about their appearance, feel better physically, and improve their overall look. While most of us think of women going up in cup size whenever breast augmentation surgery is mentioned, the fact of the matter is that having large breasts is a very common problem faced by many women. Overly large breasts can pose problems for women who enjoy an active lifestyle; jogging, playing tennis, hiking, and even going for leisurely walks can cause discomfort and even pain to the breasts, shoulders, and back. When you work with the best surgeon offering breast reduction surgery, you will have a much better quality of life with greater freedom to do the things you love, and you will enjoy a life that’s much more physically comfortable. When you have breast reduction surgery you will likely have tissue removed from the breasts making them less heavy and voluminous. But you probably already know this. Here are five other things many women don’t know about breast reduction surgery until they have had their consultation with their surgeon.

1. Breast Reduction Surgery can be Combined with a Breast Lift

When you find the best breast augmentation surgeon in Los Angeles, he will be able to perform a breast lift along with the reduction in size. Although breast reduction surgery is ideal for women with breasts that are sagging or heavy, the goal of this surgery is not to reposition or raise up the breasts or the surrounding tissue. If you and your plastic surgeon agree that you would better achieve your beauty goals by making your breasts perkier and repositioning them while simultaneously making them smaller in size, then you are likely an ideal candidate for having both a breast lift procedure and breast reduction surgery performed at the same time.

2. For a Breast Reduction Procedure, You Need to Think Past the Cup Size

At the end of the day, cup size is subjective. Afterall, you have probably discovered that various bra brands of the same cup size fit you differently. Furthermore, “cup size” can have a conflicting meaning from one woman to another. For example, you and a friend may both be a 34C in bra size, yet your breasts look completely different from hers in terms of volume. The important thing to look at is how your breasts look in relation to your body’s frame and height, and this will dictate your surgeon’s recommendation on what size to go down in your breast reduction surgery.

3. In Your Breast Reduction Consultation, Check to See if Your Insurance will Cover the Procedure

Usually, health insurance policies do not cover the cost of surgical cosmetic procedures. However, if you are getting breast reduction surgery for medical reasons, your policy could cover a portion of the procedure, or in some cases all of it. If a woman has ongoing back and shoulder pain, or neck pain, the cause could be linked to heavy breasts that are too large for her frame. In some cases, women with large sagging breasts can suffer from dermatitis or skin irritations. In most cases, insurance companies will cover breast reduction surgery as a last resort, just as they do with weight loss surgeries. In other words, you will likely need to show proof that other treatments didn’t work, whether this means a series of physical therapy treatments, or going to see a dermatologist. Just as insurance companies will usually ask people seeking weight loss surgery to first try a diet and exercise, you will probably need to try alternative approaches before your insurance company will be willing to cover breast reduction surgery. Your surgeon will help you navigate these obstacles if they are an issue.

4. After Breast Reduction Surgery, you can Have Future Breast Augmentation Procedures

While many women love their new breasts after having a surgery to reduce the size and the desired results last a lifetime, other women’s goals may change over time and the need to go big again may come up, or as they age and experience some sagging, they may want to go up a size and have a breast lift procedure. Just be aware that you always have the freedom to change the shape and size of your breasts through future surgical procedures. In other words, if your beauty goals ever change in time and you desire something different from what you had previously wanted (whether you want them your breasts enlarged, or you want to go even smaller), you will be able to have additional procedures to ensure you are always looking and feeling your very best.

5. Your Breast Reduction Surgery Results Will be Worth the Wait and Recovery Time

Attractive girl in beige bra measuring chest size line with tape isolated over pink background

When you come off the anesthesia and glance down at your chest, you won’t have the beautiful perfect breasts you imagined right away. You need to have realistic expectations when it comes to the time needed to heal from the procedure and fully recover. Many women will experience swelling of the breasts for a few days after the surgery. You will also probably be asked to wear a special support garment for a few weeks after the surgery. There will also be a period of time where you will be instructed not to lift anything or engage in any physical activities and having someone home with you to do basic chores will be necessary. During all of this, your breasts will continue to change size, so going in for routine checkup is critical so that your surgeon can ensure everything is headed in the right direction. He will then be able to give you an ETA with the healing time, and when you can be ready to go lingerie and bikini shopping.

Call Grossman Medical for a Breast Reduction Surgery Consultation Today

Dr. Peter Grossman is a world-famous breast surgeon; patients come to him from all over the world to benefit from his years of experience and exceptional results. Dr. Grossman is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in breast surgeries right here in Los Angeles. If you are considering going down in breast size, contact Grossman Medical to book a consultation today, and begin that new chapter in your life to living a healthier and happier version of you.

What Kind of a Recovery can You Expect to Have After a Tummy Tuck Procedure?

What Kind of a Recovery can You Expect to Have After a Tummy Tuck Procedure?

If you are considering a tummy tuck procedure, then it is important to understand not only what the procedure entails, but also what your recovery will look like. First, it is important to understand that recovery will look very differently from one patient to the next. One’s recovery from a tummy tuck procedure will depend on the quality of your physician’s work, your overall health, your body weight, and the type of tummy tuck you will be having. When you have your consultation with Dr, Grossman for a tummy tuck procedure, he will give you an examination and outline the details of the procedure along with recovery instructions and expectations. 

It is critical that you allow your body enough time to heal after a tummy tuck. You will likely be required to stay at the hospital for at least a few hours after the tummy tuck procedure for observation. When you are ready to go home, Dr. Grossman will give you a post-surgery care plan to help facilitate a graceful recovery with pain management. 

But for now, here are the recovery points that most people go through as they heal from their tummy tuck procedure.

Tummy Tuck Recovery Best Practices

When you follow your plastic surgeon’s advice on post- surgical recovery dos and don’ts, you will have a much better recovery experience in which pain levels can be managed and the time it takes to resume to normal life will come sooner than you think. There are several tummy tuck recovery tips that you can follow, but these expectations and tips are generally the most common ones given to patients, and that they can expect to have, when recovering from the procedure:

Daily Showering – Once the drain tubes have been removed, daily showering is healthy. Just make sure the shower is warm but not hot. 

Swelling – Swelling is normal, and it will make muscle movement difficult with some stiffness. 

Taking Walks – If your doctor agrees, short, gentle walks around the neighborhood can commence seven days after your tummy tuck procedure, as tolerated. Just don’t exceed a walk more than 15 minutes and avoid any strenuous uphill routes. 

Driving – Usually, driving is discouraged for up to three weeks after a tummy tuck procedure. The reasons for this include stiffness, lack of concentration, and you will be on some painkillers that make people drowsy. 

Scar Minimization Tape – This is usually recommended for two to four months after surgery. Then one usually switches to tape or silicone cream. 

Support Garments – Fitted shapewear is usually recommended to wear for the first six months after surgery. This would be worn 24 hours a day until the doctor says it is no longer needed. 

Tummy Tuck Recovery

What does a Timeline Look Like for a Tummy Tuck Recovery?

The timeline recovery after a tummy tuck procedure begins the minute you arrive in the recovery room. A healthcare professional will monitor you during this time, checking your incision, your vitals, and pain levels. Your surgical drains will also be examined and once you are ready to go home, they will likely be removed. 

During the first few days after surgery, you will need someone to drive you home and arrange to have someone aid you with assisted care. This person should be staying at home with you for the first few days as you try to live each day with limited mobility. You can expect tightness around the abdomen, and when you walk it is ideal to do so in a hunched-over manner to take strain off that area. You will also want to take any painkillers Dr. Grossman prescribed, as directed. 

During the first two weeks of recovery time, you will want to make sure you don’t stand for prolonged durations. You should also avoid excessive movements and make sure you don’t lift heavy objects. If you are responsible for heavy chores around the home, arrange to have someone do these things for you. After two weeks have passed, you can return to driving a car, and at this point you can also begin doing some mild chores around the home. When you shower use a chair or consider a sponge bath, as showering after the first two weeks of recovery might be challenging. 

One month after surgery you might be constipated. Be sure to eat meals rich in fiber to avoid constipation. Using over-the-counter stool softeners is fine, and you should drink lots of water. You will also want to have follow-up appointments with Dr. Grossman to ensure that everything is on track to see a perfect recovery. Most people can go to work after the first full month, but Dr. Grossman will be able to give you this return time based on your recovery progress.

After eight weeks to two months, you should be able to exercise, unless the doctor says otherwise. Most people also return to work at this time. Make sure to attend your checkup appointments, as the doctor will need to see you to give a good timeline for returning to work and resuming your normal life’s activities. 


Call Grossman Medical for a Tummy Tuck Consultation Today

If you have dreamed about living life through a more vibrant, fit and youthful version of yourself, book a consultation with Dr. Grossman today and discover how a tummy tuck can help you reach your body and beauty goals. A tummy tuck also helps to restore one’s confidence in their professional and private life and allows them to enjoy more in life. Call today and learn what it takes to get a beautifully shaped mid-section and a body that will turn heads when bikini season comes back. 

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