
Breast Asymmetry Correction

Best Breast Asymmetry Correction Surgery in Los Angeles County

Breast asymmetry correction surgery is required when one breast has a different volume, size or position compared to the other. What most women don’t realize is that breast asymmetry is extremely common and impacts more than half of all women. In some cases, the difference is extremely noticeable, while other breast asymmetry issues require minimal corrective work. 

There are many reasons why  women’s breasts can change size or volume. Some of these reasons include hormone changes or trauma. Dr. Peter Grossman is known worldwide as one of the best breast asymmetry correction surgeons, and is widely known for his breast asymmetry surgery in Los Angeles, as he boasts an impressive portfolio of beautiful work with glowing patient reviews.

Breast Asymmetry

Should I Worry About Breast Asymmetry?

From a clinical standpoint, breast asymmetry is nothing to be alarmed about. In most cases, it is perfectly normal. However, if you do notice a significant change in the shape or size of your breast, then you should see a doctor to determine the case. 

From a psychological or emotional standpoint, breast asymmetry has been known to impact a woman’s self-esteem both in the bedroom, in her professional career, and the condition has also just challenged many women’s self-esteem in general. Our breasts are very noticeable, and when they don’t match in shape, size or positioning, the public’s general view on beauty comes to play, and this can be a devastating thing for women to deal with in all sectors of their life and identity.

How is Breast Asymmetry Surgery Performed?

There are many approaches for performing breast asymmetry surgery. Dr. Grossman will make his recommendation for the approach when you have your consultation. The best approach will be presented based on your medical history, current health, and the condition your breasts are currently in. However, in most cases, a breast surgeon will use an implant to increase the cup size to match the other breast. If the patient wants to go smaller, then the volume of the larger breast might be reduced. In some cases, a breast lift is performed on one or both breasts to create perfect symmetry or to meet the patient’s aesthetic goals. 

Breast Asymmetry Surgery and Breast Reduction Procedures

Breast reduction for asymmetry is a common approach used by Dr. Grossman, when it is necessary to help patients reach their beauty goals. This is an approach that is more appropriate for women who want the larger breast to match the cup size of their smaller one. When Dr. Grossman performs breast reduction for asymmetry; he removes the extra breast tissue ensuring that both breasts have the same shape and size. When you have your consultation, you will learn if this is the recommended approach, and if it is, Dr. Grossman will go over the procedure steps in fine detail. 

Most patients will discover that a combination of breast surgeries will be required. Many women will require a breast lift, augmentation, or reduction to get that perfect, natural, and fully symmetrical look. Then there are patients who only require a simple augmentation or reduction to get that perfect look. If the asymmetry case is severe, then you are more likely a good candidate for multiple breast procedures to get that ideal look. Most procedures are performed at once and manifest a holistic breast asymmetry correction surgery. 

Breast Asymmetry Surgery and Recovery Time

The recovery time for breast asymmetry surgery generally takes about three weeks, but your actual recovery time will be predicated on personal factors such as your health, current breast state, and the specific procedures to be performed. Once you have your consultation, all of this will be known and presented to you. 

After your breast asymmetry surgery, you will likely need to keep your breasts wrapped in gauze dressings with a surgical bra or compression garment. The gauze dressings will likely be removed within a few days. Discoloration and swelling will likely occur and is to be expected; this will likely improve in roughly three weeks. You will also need to come in for follow-up examinations so that Dr. Grossman can ensure you are healing properly.

Breast Asymmetry Surgery

Contact Grossman Medical for a Breast Asymmetry Surgery Consultation Today!

Now is the time to learn how breast asymmetry can change your life and leave you feeling and looking great! Breasts are the essence of feminine strength and beauty; when symmetry is off, the impact can create multiple problems and impact one’s self esteem. Dr. Peter Grossman is a leading breast surgeon in Los Angeles County and has a global reputation for performing the best breast asymmetry surgeries with perfect, stunning results. Call today and learn how this procedure can change your life and improve your overall happiness.


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