
Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal in Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

Fast Laser Hair Removal with the Icon™ Laser

Tired of shaving, plucking, and waxing? Removing unwanted hair is easier than ever before with laser hair removal treatments. The Icon™ laser hair removal system uses advanced laser technology to permanently reduce unwanted hair on the face and body, delivering long-lasting results for both men and women.

How does laser hair removal work?

The Icon™ laser hair removal system works by heating up and damaging hair follicles, which slows future hair growth. The body’s natural healing processes replace the laser-damaged tissue around the follicle with new, healthy skin cells.

Laser hair treatments do not harm the surrounding skin and can give you impressive results in very little time.

What areas can be laser treated?

Almost any area of the body can be treated with laser hair removal. Common areas include the face, underarms, tummy, bikini area, upper back, and legs. Even full-face applications are possible with laser hair removal.

Darker hair usually responds best to the laser since darker pigments absorb more light. People with a combination of dark hair and light skin tend to have the best results, but anyone can benefit from laser hair removal.

How many treatments will I need?

Each person is unique, with different hair textures and thicknesses. Some people may need more treatments than others. In general, most people need a series of treatments to address a specific area.

Over time, hair in the treated areas should grow thinner and more slowly than before. An occasional maintenance treatment can help you maintain your results.

Are there any risks with laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is generally comfortable and low risk.

Possible hair removal side effects can include temporary skin irritation and pigment changes to the skin in the treated area. In rare cases, laser hair removal can cause blistering, scars, or changes in skin texture.

Choosing an experienced provider, like the team at Grossman Plastic Surgery, can help reduce the risk of laser hair removal complications.

How long does laser hair removal last?

No one likes the process of removing unwanted hair. It’s inconvenient, uncomfortable, and expensive. The average woman will shave nearly 8,000 times in her lifetime and spend more than $10,000 on hair-removal products.

Compared to shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams, laser hair removal is a far superior option. The laser precisely targets the hair follicles, changing your hair’s regrowth patterns with each session.

With each treatment, your skin will stay smoother longer, and your hair will grow back thinner. Once you achieve your desired results, all it takes is an occasional treatment to maintain the results.

What does it cost for laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal costs vary for each person. The cost per session will depend on the size of the area being treated and how long the treatment takes. The total cost of laser hair removal will depend on how many treatments you need.

During your consultation, our team can give you a better idea of how much treatment will cost, based on your specific case.

What happens during laser treatment?

Laser hair removal

During the treatment, you’ll wear special goggles to protect your eyes from the laser. The technician will press the laser device against your skin. When the laser is activated, it will pass through your skin to the hair follicles.

You may feel some mild discomfort, like a pinprick, during treatment. The technician can apply a topical anesthetic to reduce any discomfort. Depending on the size of the area being treated, the procedure can take as little as a few minutes or up to an hour or more.

It’s normal to have some redness and swelling for a few hours after the treatment. Your treatment team may instruct you to apply ice to the area. Your technician may also apply a steroid cream to the treatment area to reduce swelling.

What happens after treatment?

You should avoid sunlight and tanning beds between treatments and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin.

Hair in the treated area does not fall out immediately after treatment but sheds gradually over a period of days to weeks. Results can vary and may last for months or years. When and if hair regrows, it is usually finer and lighter in color.

You may need 2-6 initial treatments, plus maintenance treatments down the line.

Choosing the Best Laser Hair Removal Provider

Laser hair removal requires a skilled hand. That’s why it’s important to choose an experienced provider who is trained to use the latest laser hair removal equipment.

Grossman Plastic surgery is run by Dr. Peter H. Grossman, a nationally acclaimed plastic surgeon. He and his highly qualified team are ready to help you achieve your beauty goals. We will craft a tailored solution just for you, which may include other recommended treatments.

Dr. Grossman’s team uses the Icon™ system for laser hair removal, a cutting-edge machine known for delivering exceptional results. Get in touch with our team today to schedule a consultation.


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