
How to Find the Best Plastic Surgeon Calabasas has to Offer

Childbearing is a lovely, rewarding experience that many women dream of as they pursue to start a family. However, having children comes with a number of changes to one’s body. Just talk to a woman who has given birth and you will likely hear that they experienced one or more of the following: saggy skin, deflated breasts, alteration in vaginal region, and the development of a “belly pooch”. Clearly, women want to reclaim their figures after childbirth. In fact, there are a number of fad diets, exercise programs, and even beauty creams that claim to help women return to their original form. But none of these options will truly help a woman reclaim her figure. Instead, working with the best plastic surgeon Calabasas and all of Los Angeles has to offer will ensure you quickly get your body back. Here are the four most popular procedures women of all ages and lifestyles seek after childbirth in their quest to reclaim their figure.

1. Tummy Tuck Procedure

plastic surgeon marking womans body for surgery

During the course of a pregnancy, a woman’s midsection often experiences the most dramatic changes. As the baby grows, the abdominal muscles can shift and expand, and the skin around the stomach will stretch. In other words, the tissues and muscles overextend and rarely do they snap back into place after childbirth. As a result, women are left with a “belly pooch” and have flaps of loose skin. A tummy tuck involves restructuring the muscles and tissue, removing excess skin, and tightening up the abdomen giving the patient a flat,l toned tummy. The tummy tuck is the most popular of all cosmetic surgeries sought by women after childbirth.

2. Breast Lift

Daily breastfeeding unleashes hormones and milk production that cause the breasts to inflate and deflate. As a result, the breast tissue and skin stretch creating a droopy, saggy look. A breast lift procedure will correct the issue by eliminating the loose skin that enables the breasts to droop down to an unflattering position. In a breast lift procedure, the plastic surgeon moves the tissues upward and higher up on the chest wall restoring a perky, youthful appearance.

3. Breast Augmentation

When breastfeeding for months at a time, the breasts can lose volume and even become proportionately displaced. Moms who want better body proportions should learn how to find the best plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation procedures and get a consultation to learn what would be involved in having the breasts correctly proportioned and even lifted to give a perky appearance. A high percentage of new moms who seek breast augmentation also get a breast lift to truly get the most attractive look to their form. If you book a breast augmentation consultation, be sure to ask the plastic surgeon how a breast lift might fit into the overall approach to reclaiming your natural form.

4. Labiaplasty

Smiling woman enjoying in her healthy skin, middle aged lady touching her face

Even your more intimate areas aren’t liberated from the bodily fetters of childbirth. Some women notice that the size and shape of their labia has changed (and not for the better) after having children. A labiaplasty procedure is performed on the smaller inner vaginal lips (the labia minora) to balance out the folds and correctly reproportion their size. Women get labiaplasties to have better confidence in their sexual relationship, and to simply feel better about themselves.. In addition, a labiaplasty can reduce any physical discomfort, or prevent it from developing over time.

Call Grossman Medical for a Full Mommy Makeover Today

You love being a mom, but you don’t have to look like one. Call Grossman Medical today and discover the various procedures that can help you reclaim your natural, fit and contoured frame. Dr. Peter Grossman is a nationally known plastic surgeon specializing in reconstructive and cosmetic procedures for women with a caring, sensitive bedside manner. Call today and take that first step to reclaiming your true self, and to a life of greater confidence and joy.


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